Saturday, November 5, 2011

What should i think?

I have been going otu with my boyfriend for over a year butant me to meet his friends... when ever they are goign to go over to his house he takes me home before they get there.. or if he goes otu with them he tells me about it but neevr invites me to go with him... i invite him to hang otu wtih me all teh time but he never wants he ashamed of me???? ive met only 3 of his friends and only because i was at his house when the yshowed up....i love him and he says he loves me to. ive tried talkign to him about it but all he says is that he goes out wih just the guys, and that it would eb weird for me... then later he tells me stories of hwat happened and there always seems to be girls tehre 2... am i just over reacting or should i be upset?

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