Sunday, November 6, 2011

Nobody understands me.?

I try my hardest to be the best daughter, the best sister, the best person. I don't want to do bad choices, but every time I do.. I always get yelled at by my parents. They were kids too! They've done things they weren't suppsoed to, and everybody knows it. I'm just so sick of people thinking I have a bad reputation, when I know exactly who I want to be, and who I will become in the future. I have my whole life ahead of me, and yet everyone judges me from the stupid mistakes I've made. I'm sick, and tired, and overwhelmed by everything. Plus, the guy that I like doesn't even like me back. We talk like everyday, and all he can say to me is "Haha, yeah" or "Okk". It's annoying. I wish life was a little easier sometimes.. Don't you?

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