Thursday, November 10, 2011

O'Reilly On Trump: "I Don't Even Care About The Birther Stuff, 'Cause That's Inconsequential"?

How is that inconsequential? He follows by saying. " The birther stuff isn't gonna hurt anybody". I find this to be ridiculous, Gives Donald Trump a P for flying around the world calling the President of the United States a Fraud? Would he extend this same non-nonchalant attitude if this were Barack Obama back in 2008 promoting "Truther conspiracies"? Going on talk shows talking about how the government was involved with 9/11? It's just a pattern here. If the guy says he is a independent, I would like to see some of his independent views on things. Oreilly spent the majority of 2001-2008 Defending GW Bush at all costs. Why doesn't he give the same treatment to Barack Obama on issuess? If this charge was coming at Sarah Palin, do you really believe he would sit back and say it's not a big deal? Just like the election, O'Reilly spent the entire year of 2008 Defending Palin and attacking Barack Obama. How is that the view of a independent? Clearly O'reilly is Center Far right.

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