Thursday, November 10, 2011

In the winter does a rabbit like to be out of his hutch? or are they cooped up sleeping all winter?

Rabbits don't hibernate. Rabbits are most active in the morning and in the evening -- they tend to sleep during the night and during the day, but that will also depend a bit on your schedule. While in college, my rabbit slept in until 10-ish (sometimes noon :) and would be up until midnight (sometimes 3am - haha). But, now that I'm on a normal schedule, so is he. My rabbit lives indoors, and I strongly suggest you let your bunny live indoors, too, if at all possible. They'll generally live longer, be safer, and get more attention if they live indoors. They'll still need exercise in the winter, and they generally endure cooler temperatures fairly well, but they need to be protected from the elements. They'll need someplace out of bad weather, where it's dry and safe, for them to play.

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